#livingyourbestlife #yoga #brintonmuseum #simplicity #conciergelife #benddontbreak #optout #thatsWY #visitsheridan #visitwyoming #love #wyoming #mountains #travelblog #livelifelocal #steppinout #stepoutofthebox #osprey #trails #staycation #community
I still remember last summer’s yoga festival; like this year, it is being held at The Bradford Brinton. The Brinton is nestled right under the Big Horns Mountains. The view is spectacular…. The bluish mountains with a hay field below, almost on a landing.

Then as you take the stairs, or the trail (yep, there are options), down to the parking lot and the museum area, old cottonwood trees, lilac bushes, chokecherry trees (to name a few) line both the long drive way and the Brinton Museum. In addition to the trees and bushes, are both tended flower and vegetable gardens and natural grasses – and for me, that's eye candy.
I began my morning last year, with Asia Stockwell, who said, “Remember why you came.”
Why had I come? It wasn’t because I intended for my body to get more flexible – as that’s not the purpose (they say) of yoga. Yet, my mind would, throughout the day – which ultimately means my body does as well? I had come in part because of the beautiful surroundings. I had come because every time I do yoga, my mind and body thank me. I had come because the energy, I find, being around other yogis – whether it be teachers or teachers and students alike – is both calm and an inspiration. In some ways, for me, it is much like gardening, only with others. I had come because there is always an element of surprise -– when you do that hand/headstand, even with assistance, that you never thought you could do. When you’re paired with a partner, you’ve never met. I had come because it seems to be okay in the yogi world, to be totally out of balance one day, and the next, right on the mark. I had come, because in the end, it was a time to be by myself while being with others; it was a time to learn and grow while also just being. (and these aren’t even all the benefits of yoga)
I had gone to enjoy the vendors and the food. I had gone because it promised to be a delightful mini stay-cation, and it didn't disappoint!
Here are a few pictures from last year, of my “partner” time that I wasn’t expecting.

This year, they've added a 5K... I wonder, will it take this route?
Here are some pictures of what you’ll see this year – the garden that’s been tended so beautifully.

And maybe take a moment to have a look-see at the Osprey:

Per the Museum: "We have been keeping an eye on the osprey nest platform and are excited to announce that the adults are caring for two young! Stop by and take a peek at the nest through the scope on the 3rd floor of the Forrest E. Mars, Jr. Building."
So as I ponder next Saturday’s schedule, I question what I might change?
I had tentatively planned which classes I would take, a week or so ago. Yet as I write this morning, I ask myself, “why not step out of your own box? Why not try something different?” If there was ever a year to break the habit of being yourself, this year is it! This is the year to bend, not break.